Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Roamin' Numerals

The European leg of my journey, by the numbers:

15748: distance travelled, in km, by vehicle since leaving Ottawa

4032: pageviews on this blog

126: days

29.98: weight, in lbs, of my gear

28: hostels

22: new facebook friends

21: blog posts, including this one

18: coach bus trips

15: train trips

12: countries

4: currencies spent

4: pro sporting events attended

3: flights

3: live music shows attended

1: anti-celibacy old British lady who fed me homemade curry and Guinness

0: regrets


  1. Hope your next leg of the journey is even more wonderful than the first leg!

  2. Keep it up, Jeff; we're rooting for you.

    Clever title, by the way.

  3. What I'm getting from this is you slept with an old lady.

    Hi 5!

  4. So you're using that calculator I bought you!
