Anyways, back from my little rant. So I'm starting in Dublin. I'll be flying the red eye Monday and getting into Dublin Tuesday morning. It's weird finally having the trip set in stone. For the last few months, since I decided to do this trip, I've had absolutely zero logistics worked out. I thought this would be a fun way of doing the trip. What I didn't anticipate is having to answer "I don't know" every time somebody wanted to ask me about my trip. This happened roughly 94,534 times since I let people know I was going. I consider myself very fortunate to have so many people in my life that care about me enough to enquire about my trip. However, this got to be very repetitive and slightly frustrating. So, I no longer have no logistics worked out. I have one!
I figure the best way to get to the point of this initial post is to answer the most common questions I've been asked about my trip.
- Where are you starting? Dublin, pay attention.
- Where do you want to go while you're there? Anywhere and everywhere. I'll try lots of different places across the continent, and if I like a particular place, I'll stay a little longer. once I'm ready to get moving, I'll get moving.
- Are you going to work while you're there? Yes, but just here and there for room and board or perhaps a bit of travelling cash.
- Why are you so handsome? I just can't help it Matt
- Did you quit your job? No, I took a leave of absence from work. My supervisors were very understanding when I requested this, and I really appreciate their support.
- How long are you going for? I'm aiming for the end of July, but who knows how long I'll be able to stretch the money for. Regardless, I'm due back at work in August 2011.
- Are you going alone? Yes. Although I do hope that friends come out to visit me and that I meet new people to travel with.
- And perhaps the biggest one of them all: Why?
Don't say revenge.Eat, pray, love changed my life.In short, I don't know why. I love to travel, so this was just something I wanted to do. I have a feeling I'll be better able to answer "why" when I get back.
See you later!
Bon voyage Jeff! Dublin is one of my favorite places in the world. I lived at 82 Upper Leeson St and then after about 6 months headed to the West Coast, Galway. I had an amazing time and I hope you do too. My nephew lives in Aberdeen Scotland so if you are in Scotland, let me know and he'll take you out for a pint. xo Ailsa