Hello again from Koh Samet. This may be the first time I've written two posts from the same location. I'm still here because I love it here basically. Its been the perfect place to relax and recharge. I'm currently sitting at Tok's, a little bar/restaurant on the beach. My friends and I have most of our meals and drinks here because it's cheap, clean, and the staff is very friendly. In fact we've gotten to know pretty much all of the staff over the last couple weeks and they'll all come over to say hi and chat for a couple minutes at various points in the day. Often at night we'll play cards with some of them at 10 baht per hand. That's only roughly 30 Canadian cents, so we're not exactly breaking the bank if we have an unlucky evening. Its been great having a bit of a homebase that's familiar and comfortable. We even have a dog, Tam, who comes and sits with us most of the time. It may have something to do with the fact that we feed her, but she's a lovely dog. Kind of looks like a smaller version of the littlest hobo dog. I haven't pet a single dog since I've been to Asia since most of them are homeless and can carry ticks, diseases, scabies, etc. But this one's clean and I have no problems giving her a scratch behind the ears. Yes, I'm stretching for material.
Flo, our Austrian friend took off after a week as he had to head back home. Today, Keith and Jilly, the British couple, leave for Laos so I'll be back on my own again. We haven't been completely immobile though. Keith, Jilly, and I went to Koh Chang last weekend to see something a little different. It's a few hours south from here. None of us were big fans of it as the island as it was pretty empty and it was more expensive. Luckily I managed to find a cheapish bungalow that hung over the beach. The selling point was the hammock on the balcony, which I took full advantage of for 3 days. I'd read or just enjoy the roar of the waves there for hours at a time. The weather was much rainier and the current was too strong to go swimming in unfortunately. So after 3 days, we all decided to come back to Samet where we knew the weather was better and the beach much prettier. So I no longer have a hammock with a view, just a small bamboo hut with a bed, a fan, and a mosquito net. Luckily the shared bathroom isn't too far off.
I don't have much more to say other than life is grand here, and I'm feeling re-energized. This break was just what the doctor ordered. Unfortunately I go back to Bangkok this weekend, then fly back to London next Tuesday. Only 1 week left in Asia! It's weird knowing this portion of my trip is coming to an end, but I'm trying to enjoy every minute of it while it lasts. And now that I have my energy back, I'll try to make the most of it when I get back to Europe, as I'll have a month to explore. One thing I'm looking forward to is London's Canada day celebration. Don't ask me why, but every year they have a big celebration in Trafalgar square. It's sponsored by Molson, so if nothing else I can have my first taste of Canadian beer in ages!
I'll end with thanking everybody who took up my request to email me from my last post. They were much appreciated. I'd name all of you, but it would take too much time to write both your names...
Well that's it for now... thanks for reading!
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